Prairie Justice: The Greg Sanders Vigilante Podcast

I have started a podcast chronicling a long-forgotten comic book character. In Action Comics #42, Nov 1941, DC Comics debuted the adventures of the Vigilante, a “modern day” cowboy from Wyoming, descended from frontiersman and lawman who fights criminals of all stripes, across the US, and the world, with his unique western know-how and weaponry.

An interesting facet of “Vig” was his alter -ego: Greg Sanders, The Prairie Troubador, whose identity as a Cowboy singer in the vein of Gene Autry, took him on the road along with sidekicks Billy Gunn, an aging ex-lawman and Stuff, a Chinese-American orphan who picks up cowboy and fighting skills of his own.

The Vigilante feature ran from 1941 until 1954 in Action Comics, and also appeared in Leading Comics and Western Comics. The character was revived in the early 1970s for several adventurers, and rubbed shoulders in the comic book universe alongside more famous allies, such as Superman and the Justice League, appearing in Adventure Comics and World’s Finest in his own feature and elsewhere in the DC comic universe.

I hope you enjoy the podcast, which creating helps to take the edge off of my more academic writings and occupations. Keep watching this page for more updates, and maybe I’ll even start to update it with other features as well.


Apple Podcasts: 

3 thoughts on “Prairie Justice: The Greg Sanders Vigilante Podcast

  1. Congratulations on your fantastic new podcast. I’ve not read many Vig stories – I met him in JLA #100-102, caught reprints in Adventure Comics and, well, that’s it. But you have to respect a character with such a long pedigree.

    I love the radio play format well done. You really brought the story to life with the hardboiled dialogue, the music and sound effects. From the voice you give Betty though, I don’t think you like her

    It always strikes me is odd that Home on the Range has such a prominent (is it called a?) slide guitar, it makes it sound like a Hawaii-type record. Did Greg sing in the serial?

    You said you doubted that artist Mort Meskin intended the jeans to be coloured white – we’ll know the jeans were meant to be white when the sound effect reads WHAM! To me white is his iconic look.

    I like the white hat too, I don’t care about realism – as you said, Greg’s a comic book cowboy. That allows for lovely bright colours.

    Roll on episode two!

  2. Prairie Justice is fantastic! It’s already one of my favorite shows, and I never really gave the character that much thought beforehand. Keep ‘em coming!

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